Monday, December 21, 2009

Graduation Day

My name is Gabe Canal. I graduated from college with a bachelors degree in Marketing in December '09.
The day had finally come. The one I had been waiting for for 5 years.Now after all the excitement wears off and all the gifts are given, and the dust settles so to speak, its time to move on. well that's not so simple. i mean what will i do to fill up all my time?? i mean i can just go and get a good job now right? well not exactly.
so I started this blog to help all of us recent graduates through that rough 6-12 months after college graduation.
So in case you haven't figured out the meaning of my blog title, it represents the day you get to take off that tacky sticker/rear view mirror tag from your car. It represents the freedom and also responsibility that has been bestowed up you. You are no longer a college student. no more back and forth between classes and work. For many its the first time they will have to get a real job. well that's all for today. If you are a recent college graduate be sure and stop by and read my next post in which i will list the TOP FIVE THINGS TO DO AFTER YOU GRADUATE COLLEGE and HOW TO GET THAT ANNOYING STICKER OFF OF YOUR CAR.


  1. This blog is a great idea. You da man. Purple power.

  2. haha thanks man. hope thing re going great in chicago!!
